Military Banned Substance List - If you've served in the military, you may want to take military-safe supplements like Military Muscle to help you train and improve your overall performance.

After all, athletes take supplements to gain an advantage, and at the end of the day, those athletes' lives don't necessarily depend on being stronger, healthier, and faster than their opponents, unlike the enemies you face on the battlefield.

Military Banned Substance List

Military Banned Substance List

They endure grueling fitness regimes, need to pull heavy loads in all weathers, sleep little and must be ready for battle all year round.

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On the other hand, athletes are often required to excel in a program, and athletes have seasons and off-seasons where their teams support them to perform at their best.

The benefits of dietary supplements make more sense when you start thinking of soldiers as elite athletes.

Military training is hard and strenuous. It was developed over centuries of conflict, then fine-tuned based on recent lessons learned on the battlefield.

In addition, military strength and conditioning training focuses on total body movement and total body conditioning, incorporating heavy lifting, moving and carrying equipment.

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Research tells us that the use of "supplements" or supplements to improve performance can be said to have been around 500 BC. [2]

While ancient warriors and athletes ate a variety of foods and potions, there was no scientific basis or functional understanding of how the body worked.

This changed around 1900 when vitamins and their effects were discovered, and this new awareness and understanding solidified the relationship between science and physical improvement.

Military Banned Substance List

Research shows that proper nutrition, including the use of supplements, can help athletes cope with the high demands they encounter during intense training. [3]

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Therefore, it may not be surprising that elite athletes use dietary supplements extensively. [4] [5]

Additionally, data collected from a US national survey shows that 71 percent of adults use dietary supplements. [6]

A review and meta-analysis of 20 questionnaires and surveys published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism revealed that athletes around the world use nutritional supplements for a variety of reasons, the most common of which are listed below. [7]

If athletes gain an advantage, soldiers naturally hope so too. After all, having an advantage over your enemies can be the difference between life and death.

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With data showing that a large percentage of athletes and even civilians use nutritional supplements to gain this benefit, it would be reasonable to assume that soldiers use them as well.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that most soldiers use or have used supplements.

While different surveys show slightly different results for different services and tasks, the overall consensus is that plugin usage is high and rising over the years.

Military Banned Substance List

The US Marine Corps is a good example, with 50% of recruits using the same supplements they enrolled in basic training. [8]

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However, the highest rate of use was among those training for special forces roles, with 85 percent of soldiers using the supplement. [9]

It's worth noting that these figures only represent US military personnel and may not reflect the wider situation in other countries' militaries.

According to a 2017 study published by the Society of Nutrition through Cambridge University Press, 32.3% of Australian active military and Middle Eastern veterans use nutritional supplements.

Bodybuilding supplements were used by 17.5% of survey participants who had a generally healthy lifestyle and health status, surpassing other participants who used weight loss and energy supplements. [10]

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Next up is the British Armed Forces, where a survey revealed that in 2010 and at the height of the war on terror in Afghanistan, 56.3% of British soldiers were taking or taking supplements ranging from protein shakes to testosterone boosters.

Interestingly, compared to a similar survey conducted in Iraq in 2009, consumption increased by approximately 8%. [11]

Other data also showed that 38 percent of soldiers taking part in British Army training said they were taking dietary supplements. Some (a few) have even reported using anabolic steroids and growth hormones.

Military Banned Substance List

Interestingly, data modeling showed that the soldiers who used the most supplements during training were female, smokers, younger, and were in officer cadet training. [12]

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Supplement use is common among athletes, soldiers, and the general public, and if past trends are anything to go by, it will increase over the years.

The British Army does not recommend the use of supplements to fill gaps in a person's nutrition.

On the other hand, the US military has taken a different, more educational approach to complement the use of personnel.

They have built a resource called "Additional Operational Security". This website provides information on which products are considered high risk and which ingredients are prohibited.

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And thus provides clear information to its employees. Basically, if you test positive, there are no excuses.

The Australian Army points out that their supplement use policy is WADA compliant. This means that if it contains ingredients that are on their list, their soldiers ban it. [14]

Interestingly, an article posted on the Australian Army website blog discusses the use of body-enhancing drugs such as steroids and growth hormones to gain a competitive advantage over the enemy.

Military Banned Substance List

It is worth noting that all of these countries allow the sale of nutritional supplements on their bases, although these military services seem to dispel any doubts about the use of supplements by their personnel.

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Regardless of what you think of the current policies, they tend to be in line with what is prescribed for athletes.

So we are talking about those supplements and those that contain ingredients that are allowed or banned by WADA.

It seems that in some cases, supplements can get a bad rap because there were and still are quality issues in their production and distribution.

This means that consumers are confident in the safety and quality of supplements, whether for civilian or military use. [16]

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In addition, supplement use was associated with positive health behaviors in US military personnel, according to findings published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. [17]

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can order a product to be discontinued only if it is shown to be unsafe for consumers. [18]

So, in fact, an event must occur in order to investigate the sale of a product.

Military Banned Substance List

The FDA must demonstrate the hazard certification, not the product manufacturer must demonstrate the safety of the product they are selling.

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This could open the door to many products sold by companies that are more concerned with short-term profits than long-term sustainability.

That's why at Military Muscle, the supplements we offer are manufactured to the highest safety and quality standards, using only approved ingredients that pose no health risks.

The FDA was able to pull the pre-workout supplement JACK3D off the market when many soldiers died using JACK3D, which contained DMAA (1,3-Dimethylamine). [19] [20]

However, it was not until the death of a soldier[21] and the death of a marathon runner in London[22] that government agencies in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States reclassified DMAA from a dietary supplement to a drug, and therefore banned its sale or retention in fitness supplements.

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While the Department of Defense canceled the sale of products containing DMAA after the soldier's death, it came two years before the FDA took any action, a year after WADA banned the substance.

This example of the use of DMAA shows that the product can be purchased, used and caused death long before it is withdrawn from sale, highlighting the limited limitations of some products.

A widespread problem is that supplements are contaminated with substances classified as drugs and therefore must be regulated.

Military Banned Substance List

Supplements may be manufactured in a facility that also manufactures products classified as drugs and by the way.

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Alternatively, they are manufactured with the intention of not declaring the contained drugs in order to increase the product's ability to ensure repeat sales.

Legally, manufacturers or distributors are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe before they are placed on the market.

Additionally, the FDA has no rules for approving products and relies on feedback from consumers and industry experts. [twenty three]

The regulatory system has been criticized for not using its powers to protect consumers [24] and recalling products found to contain hidden ingredients of unapproved drugs. [25]

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According to a study published in 2015, it can be argued that such inaction may be linked to tens of thousands of supplement-related hospitalizations in the United States. [26]

This criticism may have been the catalyst for changes the FDA announced in February 2019 to modernize its policies and regulations to protect the public and help ensure

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